I entered the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 with limited to no expectations, and I wasn't let down. We all are aware of my-not-seeing-a-movie-before-reading-the- book phobia. So as of yesterday not only have I read four very pointless and very boring books but endured every film adaptation. It is merely my OCD tendencies which compel me to read and view the atrocity which is the Twilight Saga.

As I said before the film also documents Bella's newfound motherhood with a creepy looking half human/half-vampire child who seems to be on some kind of steroid growth tablets. The unnaturally growing freak child looks like ET's offspring; was there not enough unnatural life forms in this saga already? If nothing else the film acts as a reminder that Vampires should not copulate with mere mortals; the resulting offspring look incredibly inbred.

At the end of the day reviewing Twilight is a pointless exercise; but you all know how much I love wasting my time. Haters will hate Twi-hards will love and the objective viewer will sit in the corner of the cinema trying to cling to lucid thought. As the closing credits rolled, I didn't know if I was happy not to see another sparkling vampire or get nostalgic about Taylor's abs (which sadly are not very present in the film. I have tried to compensate by including some ravishing images throughout this otherwise mundane and non-arousing review).