Thursday, 19 April 2012

Misunderstanding Beautiful Beats of 1D?

One Direction: You don't know your beautiful!
 Image courtesy of Oska Blake-Craig's alterations to the Courier Mail

It has been pretty hard to interact to escape their beauty, songs and adoring fans over the past couple of weeks.  Yes, I’m talking about One Direction. What’s not to love about them? They have that flawless cover girl look and own some minor talent in their vocal chords.

Despite these truly lovable qualities about them, I would have preferred to hack my arm off with a screw driver than have attended their Brisbane concert last night. This is for multiple reasons; firstly I am repulsed by people. The thought of being  condensed into the Brisbane Entertainment Centre alongside thousands of screaming twelve year olds, is just too much. Aside from my general hate for all things humanity, my weekly income barely accommodates for me to attend concerts of musicians I actually like. To say the least my ticket was more adequately utilised else where. My open disdain is not because I despise their music (honestly they have produced catchy tunes) or them (although I don’t know them personally), but their disregard for the English language.

The British boy band’s first rockin' beat hit the charts September 11 last year. Their track What Makes You Beautiful  may possibly be the most irritatingly catchy over played hit.  However this is not where the foundation of my loathing lies. Perhaps I merely misunderstand the song, in which case directioners come at me with the corrections. It is however my belief that the song contradicts itself in every single chorus.
You don’t know ow ow…You don’t know your beautiful uh uh...that’s what makes your beautiful

For those of you who require further elaboration on my fundamental misunderstanding with the lyrics, here you go…According to these lyrics if the girl in the song, admitted she was beautiful she would no longer be considered beautiful. The whole concept becomes a little like a dog chasing his tail: totally and utterly mind boggling.

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